Here's some questions and answers: Yunho was asked questions using 5 characters only for his party and he had to answer in 5 characters only.
차기작언제? 기다려봐요
when will you have new project? please wait
читать힘이되는말? 포기하지마
words that give you strength? don't give up
요즘건강은? 많이좋아짐
your health lately is? it's getting a lot better
나정윤호란? 열정적인놈
I, Jung Yunho is? a passionate guy
믿는거알지? 계속믿어줘
you know we believe in you? continue to believe in me
다음자작곡? 만들고있음
next self composed song? i'm making it
듣고싶은말? 잘하고있어
words you want to hear? you're doing good
애교한번만? 장난꾸러기
be cute just once? mischievous child
네목소리는? 무지개같다
my voice is? like a rainbow
키스어땠어? 부끄럽더라
how was the kiss? it was embarrassing
2 5 살소감? 아직괜찮아
impression of 25 years old? it's still alright
뭔커피마셔? 아이스쵸코
what coffee do you drink? ice chocolate
애자씨어때? 내가족같아
what is ae ja like? like my family
핸드폰배경? 남이섬배경
cell phone background is? nami island background (the pic of Yunho with the little boy that Hana posted is on Nami Island
according to some fans)
오늘속옷은? 알면다쳐용
today's underwear is (hehe i guess they're asking what kind)? you'll get hurt if you know
청순or섹시? 난둘다좋아
pure or sexy? i like both
차봉군이란? 나의스승님
cha bong goon is? my teacher
힘들면기대? 말로도감사
when it's difficult you hope for? i'm thankful for even words
젤소중한것? 모든사람들
most important/precious? all people
지금손에는? 귤먹고있음
your hands right now is? eating mandarin oranges
연애할래요? 일단나중에
want to date? for now later on
올해소망은? 다치지말자
this year's desire? not get hurt
롤모델배우? 로빈윌리암
actor who is role model? robin williams
런웨이언제? 모델해볼까?
when will you be on runway? should i try as a model?
최근습관은? 누우면잠자
recent habit is? i lay down, i go to sleep
힘내자오키? 힘낼께오키
let's be strong okay? i'll be strong okay(c) lovelyunho @
(можно я к себе на лиру утащу?)
в этом сообществе я все честно сперла у других
я надеюсь, что та самая песня окажется в его сольном сингле...
*опять реву*