

day by day, minute by minute. that's chill ©


BoA never talks about finding things difficult. She has the tendency to keep her
emotions bottled up inside and doesn’t speak of it. After she creates results only
then she says what she feels. I’m sure she hears this phrase a lot too: because
you’re BoA. People expect so much from her. She learns dances within a day, and
naturally, us men think it’s strange if we can’t do that too. BoA did it, so we have
to do it. Sometimes I think she should act more childish, that she should complain.
She shouldn’t shoot if she feels ill, she can’t do that. She takes full responsibility
of her tasks, and I feel sorry for her when I see her that way…(For me) she’s my
nutritional supplement. She motivates me at times and like a vitamin that makes
me happy. BoA can heal pain, that’s why I say it. - Yunho


@темы: 2012: gif

21.08.2012 в 09:39

Норвежский лес в березовой роще
treibsand, "БоА может исцелить ..."- дорогая фраза. Красивая пара.