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“A friendship without boundaries, almost like love”

After more than a year, Asia’s pride to the rest of the world, Tohoshinki, is back again with their promotions. Becoming more mature, and gaining more popularity, Yunho and Changmin gathered in Tokyo for a photoshoot. Afterwhich, they talked about how they felt towards one another, to how it is like to perform as an artiste now. Because it was an interview with Vogue, the conversation was full of passion and interest.

Vogue’s 10 Questions to Tohoshinki

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Source: cheersyoonho bar, maxchangmin bar
Translated by: cheersyoonho bar, maxchangmin bar, 0206
Distributed by: 0206

@темы: 2011: photos, scans, Interview

30.03.2011 в 14:14

наивный слэшер ^^ (c) Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after (c)
6. What is the most precious thing to you?
Yunho: I feel that everything has a unique meaning to me, there is nothing that is particularly special.
Changmin: 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround Sound System.</
