[2001] ARENA HOMME+ March 2014
U-Know Yunho also candidly revealed his views about the past 10 years and the future 10 years ahead. He knew precisely the position where he himself stood, and what he was able to do. The answer was that there is no other way but to anticipate the direction he will be taking in the future.
In addition, he is also striving to attempt unexplored territories which an icon with the background of being an idol can be in reach of. U-Know Yunho revealed his own dream, "Eventually, I want to build a school." Listening to the answers from the cool him, it makes one anticipate the 10 years which he will achieve in the future.
U-Know Yunho’s photoshoot and interview can be found in the March 2014 issue of Arena Homme+.
F: naver.com | trans by mug_ping